It’s that time of year again! The birds are chirping, the days are longer, and everyone is itching to spring clean the house. During this time, when the weather starts getting nicer, people find they want to declutter their drawers, basements, and garages – ditching everything that reminds them of being cooped up for months. However, spring cleaning isn’t just for the physical stuff in our lives.

Just as clearing out the clutter in your home can make you feel motivated, inspired, and ready for a new year, so can spring cleaning your emotions. However, while spring cleaning your home takes little to no practice, cleaning out your emotions and negative thoughts that hold you back takes a little more work. Through constant practice and neurofeedback training from Grey Matters of Carmel, you can be well on your way to a better sorting process for getting rid of all that mental clutter. Here are five ways you can start this process at home today!

Five Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Emotions

1. Center Yourself

Before you can begin to spring clean your emotions, you must first get yourself into the right headspace. This means sitting down and centering your mind. This can be through journaling or meditation. But the goal here is to quiet your mind and turn your thoughts inward for more reflection. Here, you can use the space to ask yourself what emotions you’re feeling and why. Don’t judge your answers, but rather be a witness to your feelings and then write them down clearly and calmly.

2. Reflect

Once you’ve written out all of your emotions, take the next few days to reflect on your list. You can also add to these initial emotions as new ones arise. Make sure you note what’s triggering you and when you feel these negative emotions. You must pay attention to what pushes your buttons, as this will allow you to either shift your thinking or control your overwhelming feelings in similar situations in the future.

3. Learn to Grow

Once you have compiled a list of all the negative thoughts you tend to hold onto or experience in given situations, it’s time to learn to grow from them. Once you reach this step, write down a list of all the ways you want to change and how it could lead a more empowered life. Getting rid of negative and limiting beliefs is a key part of spring cleaning your emotions. Look for the positives and shift your thinking to be more positive.

4. Create Goals

Identifying your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that you want to change is just half of this process. Now, it’s time to write down your goals for how you’ll shift your mindset. It’s best to limit your goals to three per emotional issue that you’re addressing. This makes your goals attainable and realistic, which prevents you from getting overwhelmed. It’s good to start with how you’ll shift in six-month increments. Include only goals that you can commit to so you don’t set yourself up for failure.

5. Highlight Your Wins

Finally, the last step in your emotional spring-cleaning journey is to highlight your wins! Whenever you reach a goal or respond to a tough situation with optimism or your new mindset, jot it down. Document your initial feelings, how you managed them, and how you turned the situation into a positive one. The more wins you experience and celebrate, the more wins you’ll start to notice daily.

Why You Should Declutter Your Mind

Spring cleaning your emotions doesn’t just benefit your mental health, but it also benefits you physically. When you can develop healthy coping skills, learn not to judge your own feelings, and develop a healthy habit of inner reflection, you’ll find that you can lead a happier life. When you’re happier, you will find that you’re more motivated, energized, and focused. Decluttering your mind also changes the brain’s neural pathways, helping you achieve your peak performance, fight depression and anxiety, and overcome PTSD.

Let’s Work On Your Brain Health

While spring cleaning your emotions can be done at home, neurofeedback training can help speed up your process. Through a personalized brain training plan from Grey Matters of Carmel, you can overcome your mental obstacles and reach peak performance. Getting to this level of mental clarity can help elevate you in both your personal life and career. Get your appointment scheduled today by contacting us today at (317) 215-7208.

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