man suffering from dementia

Know the Warning Signs of Dementia

When medical experts talk about dementia, most people think it’s only one type of brain dysfunction. However, dementia is the umbrella term for memory loss or other cognitive issues that affect someone’s everyday life. These abnormal brain changes trigger a decline in thinking skills and the ability to remember and reason.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s dementia makes up most dementia cases, while vascular dementia is the second most common type. Still, some people can experience multiple brain changes, resulting in mixed dementia. Symptoms for any of these types tend to worsen over time, but there are several key dementia warning signs that friends and family can look out for in their loved ones. If you have a loved one who has dementia or shows any of these early signs, give Grey Matters of Carmel a call. Neurofeedback training can help ease the progression of this disease.

What Causes Dementia

Dementia is caused by damaged brain cells that interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate and send signals to other healthy brain cells. When communication flow is disrupted, you can experience changes in thinking, behavior, and feelings. It’s important to remember that your brain has many different regions. Each region is responsible for various functions, so damage to the cells in any given area can affect this part of your brain and its ability to perform those functions.

For many Alzheimer’s patients, the region of the brain that is most affected is the hippocampus. This portion of your brain is responsible for learning and memory, so memory loss is one of the most widely known symptoms of the disease. However, there are plenty of other dementia warning signs, and we’re here to cover them.

Early Dementia Warning Signs

  1. Difficulty Planning or Solving Problems – For many suffering from dementia, planning simple outings or solving everyday problems can become a chore. If you find that you or a loved one is having difficulty following simple steps such as food recipes or giving directions to the local grocery store, it might be time to see a doctor. Even minor problem solving can become complicated and challenging, like simple addition or paying bills.
  2. Struggling to do Familiar Tasks – Regular tasks that used to be no problem can soon become an issue for those with early dementia. For example, you or your loved one may find it hard to change the television remote settings. Some have even experienced challenges with operating their cell phones or computer. In some cases, making a cup of tea or getting to and from a familiar location can become difficult.
  3. Problems Speaking or Writing – A person experiencing dementia warning signs might find it hard to engage in conversations. They often wander off in conversation or forget what they are saying. You might also notice they have trouble spelling or using proper punctuation. A loved one’s handwriting might become challenging to read in many cases.

The Right Therapy for Your Brain

Neurofeedback training is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to mitigating the symptoms of many mental disorders. So whether you’re looking for options for a loved one because you’ve spotted the dementia warning signs, or you’re looking for a better approach to your child’s ADD/ADHD, Grey Matters of Carmel can help. We also assist in mitigating the symptoms of  PTSD, depression, and anxiety, all while helping every one of our superheroes reach peak performance! To find out more, give us a call today at (317) 215-7208.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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