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Frequently Asked Questions about Neurofeedback

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Skeptical about neurofeedback? Not sure what the process is and if it will be effective? Many questions are asked about neurofeedback training, and we’re here to answer them for you. Let’s look at what neurofeedback is and the frequently asked questions about training your brain here at Grey Matters of Carmel.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback has gained attention as a medication-free and non-invasive approach for improving and even eliminating brain dysfunctions like ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, migraines, apraxia, etc. Neurofeedback helps train the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity and brings change on a neurological level so you can function better.

During the sessions, you will wear a sensor cap that reads the brain waves and headphones to listen to the feedback reward tones. At Grey Matters, we will also display a relaxing scene on a TV in front of you for engagement. Then, for 30-minutes, you will sit or recline comfortably, allowing your brain to train. That’s it – it’s all subconscious so just relax and enjoy the time.

Do I need a qEEG or brain map?

Yes, qEEG or brain mapping is used like a fitness evaluation that is further analyzed to give you personalized training. After wearing a cap with sensors for approximately 20 minutes, the amplifier records your brain wave activity – measuring and assessing the five types of brainwaves. The brainwaves are then compared to others in your same age and gender category to identify the areas of the brain which need help.

Does neurofeedback therapy change the personality of patients?

Neurofeedback helps make you more resilient to stress and makes you feel calmer and more clear-headed. It will not affect who you are or your hobbies. It simply helps your brain work more efficiently and improves your overall mood and mental balance.

Will I feel a difference right away?

Every patient is different. We have some patients who notice differences right after the first session. This is usually an improvement in their quality of sleep. The majority of other patients see these changes, among others, after 5 or 6 sessions and it just keeps getting better from there.

What are the side effects of neurofeedback?

Technically, since we are not giving you anything, there are no side effects in the sense that medications have side effects. There is a possibility of what is called “symptoms of training” and these are important for you to report so we can continue adjusting your settings for the most optimal training. Here are few common symptoms of training:

• Headaches and dizziness

Some people experience minor headaches or dizziness during or immediately after the training sessions. Please don’t hesitate to speak up if you experience headaches or dizziness. We will make sure to correct it instantly.

• Stress

It is common to stress out in the initial training sessions as your brain starts to train, but fret not! Neurofeedback is non-invasive and has zero discomfort. Relax and enjoy your training.

• Distractedness

As patients progress through each level of training, they may notice some sense of distractedness. This feeling is entirely normal and is your brain’s way of adjusting. Distractedness and fatigue go hand in hand, so you should expect both. However, you can expect this side effect to go away after a few hours.

Does insurance cover neurofeedback?

Unfortunately, insurance typically does not cover brain mapping or neurofeedback for mental health-related matters. While we do not file insurance claims, but we can provide you with a detailed invoice to attempt to get reimbursement from your insurance provider.

Have an HSA account? You CAN use those funds to pay for your training!

Does the brain map or qEEG hurt?

Absolutely not! There is no pain, no shocks, and zero discomfort. The sensors will record the brain’s electrical activity in a non-invasive way.

Is neurofeedback successful?

Neurofeedback has helped patients achieve long-term symptom relief and has improved their quality of life. For most people, significant (and long-term) improvement occurs in 30-40 sessions for 85% PLUS of participants. Some disorders may take longer. Here at Grey Matters, our staff are all medical professionals and pick up on alot more than maybe even you do. We will continuously make course corrections along the way to optimize your training and minimize or eliminate any symptoms of training that are uncomfortable.

How frequently should I come for neurofeedback training?

This will be discussed when you come for the brain mapping review session and is highly dependent on your goals. On average, patients take 25-40 sessions in total. We prefer scheduling 2-3 sessions a week. Upon finishing your initial treatment, we encourage monthly visits to help maintain all your brain’s progress!

Ready to Schedule a Consultation?

If you’re looking for a better way to live and want to take control of your mental health, then Grey Matters of Carmel is here for you! Neurofeedback training helps people suffering from all types of mental health concerns, including ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. We even help those with apraxia or anyone who’s suffered a concussion. So, contact us to get started with your training today.

Photo by Emily Underworld on Unsplash

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