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Can You Get Through Trauma Treatment without Medication?

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Trauma experiences vary from person to person and the effects are unique according to the individual. The only thing which doesn’t vary is the fact that trauma leaves the person in a devastating state of mind, often acting as an intrusion into their well-being, peace and calm.

One thing is certain: Trauma can change how your brain, which ultimately affects how you see yourself in this world, effectively leading to profoundly disturbing emotional and physical symptoms. For example, many people who experience childhood sexual abuse and neglect, often have lower self-esteem and can develop body dysmorphia disorders. People who were raised by narcissistic or critical parents often grow up to be controlling people with OCD-tendencies. While the level of trauma may be different (physical or emotional), the body doesn’t differentiate, meaning both traumatic experiences can have the same effect on the body.

What we’re saying is traumatic experiences and events can stay inside you and make you feel devastated, anxious, and depressed for years. However, there is some good news: Emotional and physical trauma can be overcomed without having to resort to life- medication and life-long therapy. We are usually made to believe that psychiatric drugs and talk therapy are the best possible solutions but this isn’t true.

There are many solutions out there to help overcome trauma – and neurofeedback training from Grey Matters of Carmel is one of those alternative solutions.

Let’s Explore the Alternatives…

Neurofeedback Training

Neurofeedback training is a medication-free approach to treating brain-based conditions, including PTSD, ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorders. It works by encouraging the brain to produce healthy patterns of activity. The purpose of neurofeedback is not just to change your thoughts and feelings,but also to bring an improvement in your brain on a biological level to ensure better functioning. Neurofeedback is definitely a powerful tool that aims to heal the areas of the brain that house the physical or emotional trauma!

Loving-kindness Meditation (Metta)

This practice is designed to build up the feelings of compassion and kindness for yourself and others. You are required to repeat positive phrases to yourself and wish well for other people. By taking a few moments a day to stop and become intentional in the moment, you can start to re-establish a positive relationship with your body. This type of practice is ideal for those who work in stressful environments, or those who struggle with body image. Showing yourself love and kindness can go a long way to improving confidence and teach you to trust your own body.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body and stimulating this nerve helps to effectively respond to emotional trauma and easily overcome it. Stimulating this nerve helps in the treatments of PTSD and works especially well for those who have not responded to medication. Mind-body practices such as yoga and acupuncture can help stimulate the vagus nerve. Other practices include thumb-squeezing exercises as shown below.


Daily gratitude promotes positive results after trauma and also reduces the symptoms of PTSD. Jotting down five things you are grateful for every day really helps in overcoming trauma by shifting your mindset to the things you’re most grateful for in life. So, try doing this for the next 30 days. By the end of the month, you will have a long list of things you are grateful for which you can read whenever you feel down.


Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound found in turmeric. It can lower your stress hormones and increase your brain’s growth hormone. Additionally, it’s shown to improve overall cognitive function. While it can’t cure the trauma, it can help improve your brain’s stability and improve the effects of your neurofeedback training.

Your Brain Deserves the Best

When you’re living with unresolved trauma, your physical and mental health suffer the most. Trauma can put you in a perpetual fight-or-flight cycle, which produces chronic stress. Eventually, your body doesn’t know any other way to function. So, when you begin your neurofeedback training with Grey Matters of Carmel, don’t be surprised if you initially feel more tired, need more rest, or struggle with concentration.

But don’t worry, these side effects are temporary, and once we have your brain regulating itself correctly, all of these aspects of your life will improve – including your ability to process your trauma. So, if you’re ready to take that first step in healing and want to avoid taking medications, contact us today.

Photo by danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

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